Monday, May 17, 2010

7 Weeks

Sweet Baby Harper,
Today starts your seventh week in this world and in our lives. These truly have been the best weeks of my life. What was my life like before you? I can't remember!

We have had a very sweet, quiet day celebrating this milestone - staying in bed sleeping until 11:00 (thank you for that, by the way!), a nap for you while momma cleaned, banked, and we got some groceries (you slept the entire time!), and when we got home we had an impromptu dance session while we put away the food. You have since fallen quietly asleep in my arms, smiling up a storm (what are you dreaming of, my love, that makes you so happy?). In these moments I don't know how I could possibly love you more. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I hope you will always know that.

Momma and daddy love you more than we can possibly say!

And now for some cuddling on the couch so I can soak up all of you...xoxoxoxoxo

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