Now, granted, I can't believe Harper is 3 and a half months old. It really does feel like I had her yesterday. But so far time has moved at a very nice pace. I've been able to enjoy each and every second with my little darling one. I understood what those parents were saying, but it didn't fully sink into my brain.
Until this morning. That's when I sat Harper on her diaper changing pad and she did this:
{Silly face, but I was trying to hurry and capture the moment}
{Not completely sitting up, but close enough!}
Where did my little baby go??? I didn't think this was supposed to happen for a couple more months. But this is what she has been trying to do for awhile now. She has been trying to crawl, walk, sit up, and roll over for the past few weeks. She gets incredibly angry when she realizes she can't. And I'm okay with that for now. I'm not ready for her to be such a big girl! But Harper is very independent already so I guess I'm going to have to get used to the idea.
{Harper just 6 days old}
I have to admit that I blubbered like an idiot this morning. I fear this won't be the last time I do that.
p.s. I just love her name :)
Aww that's so exciting! She's so beautiful and I know time flies, but as long as you stop and smell the roses on the way you won't have any regrets :) I can't believe my guy is a more than a year and a half old AND I'm due to have my next one just after he turns 2. Now that's going to be a reality check! lol
That's definitely been the attitude I've been trying to maintain! These big milestones are just going to keep hitting me like a brick wall and I just have to accept that she will cease to be my little baby one day (sadly!). And thank you! I am in love with her name, too :0)
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