My Sweet Baby Harper,
It has been four ridiculously wonderful months since we first welcomed you. Even though we spent many hours in the beginning trying to soothe your cries, I wouldn't trade one millisecond for anything.
You have definitely become quite a little person over the past month. We no longer have to contend with your colic (AMEN! for both you and us!). In fact, we have fallen into a routine that helps you settle down for the night (food, bath/singing, jammies, more food while being rocked). You're beginning to giggle at the silly faces and noises we make at you. You're "talking" more and more everyday and sometimes you like to sing along with our songs; one of the many ways you melt our hearts. You finally found your feet and get closer everyday to putting your cute little toes in your mouth. You still love bath time and being outside. You've also started liking being on your tummy and back so you've been playing more often (usually with someone down there with you!). You're rolling over more, but only from your back to your front. Oh, and you've also been able to lay down by yourself to go to sleep. You don't always have to be in your swing (even though you don't take 3 hours naps anymore! Usually they're only an hour if you're laying down).
The biggest milestone you hit is one I wasn't planning on until you were six months or older: food. Real, smooshed up baby foods. But you have been SO COMPLETELY interested when we eat near you, including reaching for our food, that I decided to let you try natural foods, like blueberries, watermelon, and cherries. Since you giggled so much and got a little angry when we didn't feed you when we ate, I decided to mash up some bananas and organic cereal to see how you'd do. Gramie and Grampie said they had never seen a baby eat so well off a spoon their first time. So far you've eaten bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, and carrots (which have been your favorite so far!). You're much happier in your car seat when you're being fed and last night you slept 5 hours straight (though that was the first night that's happened since we started you on food last Friday). So, the one thing I swore I wouldn't do until you were older turned out to be a good thing! You're a natural! (You're still nursing quite a bit during the day and at night, though! We call you a little chunker cause you're always eating something!)
We are going on a long trip next week so you can meet Daddy's side of the family. You're going to have so much fun and get so much lovins! I just hope the car ride there and back isn't too horrible!
We love you so much, baby girl! You are our everything!
See, Gramie and Grampie do know a few things. LOL Love the new pictures.
Ha ha You were right!
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