Monday, July 12, 2010


Even as a stay-at-home momma, I still look forward to the weekends, even though Wade works A LOT during them.  Friday nights you can usually find me and Harper next door at my parents watching old black and white movies.  And since Wade bartends on Fridays and Saturdays, he doesn't get home until 4 or 5 in the morning.  I do not like to be home all night alone.  With a baby.  I'm chicken, okay?  Even with two dogs.  So we have been having slumber parties at my parents on Friday nights.  And we're usually up pretty early on Saturday to go to the Farmer's Market (yay!) and then do our thrifting.  Or book sale-ing.  Or whatever else the weekend brings.  For the most part, our Saturdays look like this:

:: Wake up, change/nurse Harper 3 or 4 times (HA!), get dressed
::  Breakfast of our choice
::  Head to first thrift store about 5 miles away.  Not the greatest place in the world, but Dad and I have been known to find some great treasures buried there (like my $3.99 canning pot with rack!)
::  Farmer's Market is usually the next stop (and if it's the second Saturday of the month we go down the street to our library's book sale!)
::  By now it's lunch time so we head to Wise Pies.  YUM!
::  Third thrifting stop is usually Goodwill.  Say what you will, but this is where the majority of Harper's clothes have come from.  And many items in  my home.  You wouldn't believe what people donate!  And it's waaay cheaper than buying anywhere else.  Plus, we're reusing items and reducing our carbon footprint this way.
::  By early to mid-afternoon we have listen to "The Wheels On the Bus" 1,346 times, Harper's had enough of her carseat, and we head home.
The rest of our day is spent napping, cleaning, cooking, gardening, and enjoying the outdoors.  We spend the night watching old movies (and sometimes newer ones), playing with Harper, and reading/eating (hey, it's that what weekends are for?)  Then Harper and I head home to cuddle, nurse, and read some more.
Sundays are never the same.  Though we usually have some sort of family meal and Wade generally has this day off so Harper gets some quality time with him!

For those interested, here are photos of some of my recent thrifting finds:
{My dad makes fun of me for buying this duck, but I absolutely love it!}

And for some baby spam:  Here's Harper on Saturday morning before we left, talking to her Grampie:
I hope you all had a great weekend as well!

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