8:15 am - I wake up hungry! Silly Momma forgot to put her camera next to the bed so she didn’t get a nursing in the morning photo!
8:30 am - Time for a diaper change and to get my clothes on!
8:40 am - It’s story-time! Today we read “The Rainbow Fish” and I love looking at the shiny scales! (I also get another diaper change ‘cause that’s how I am in the morning!)
9:00 am - Momma and I have play time! I sit on her lap and she sings me songs like “Patty Cake” and “Little Bunny Fufu.” I love songs with hand gestures! Then I sit in my Bebe Pod because I think I’m a big girl!
9:30 am - It’s time for my mid-morning snack before going in my swing! I love to sit in my swing! I do this so Momma can eat breakfast and shower!
11:30 am - Momma changes my diaper and clothes. Then I get a little snack before we head out the door! Today we’re having lunch with Grammie and some of her co-workers!
2:00 pm - After a long day of being out (and yet another clothes change!) I am worn out! Momma and I cuddle while I nurse and then it’s time for a nap!
5:00 pm - I’m ready for another diaper change! Momma loves to take my picture while I’m on the changing pad! Sometimes I like to smile for her, but usually I just stare at the big camera!
6:30 pm - Time for more nursing and another nap!
9:00 pm - Momma wakes me up (nurses me!) and we go to Grammie and Grampie's so I can say goodnight! It's been a long day!
10:00 pm - I get to say goodnight to Daddy and get my jammies on!
10:15 pm - Time to crawl into bed! One more nursing and then I'll be sleeping!
Oh my gosh, what a sweetie!!
Thank you, Jennifer!
oh i love this! i havent done one since corbin was three months!
Jill - It was so much fun! I'll have to do another one next month and hopefully get more pictures of her smiling! She was rather grumpy this day! BTW, I loved the one you did of Corbin. Completely adorable!
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