I'm posting a video of Harper "singing" along with her Baby Macdonald VHS. But before we can get to the ridiculous adorableness, a few warnings:
Warning #1: Yes, I am singing in the video. I apologize. This was the only way I could get her to sing along, too.
Warning #2: Yes, it is laundry day. Sorry about the mess behind Harper.
Warning #3: As previously stated, we are watching a VHS. And yes I know it's not 1993, but it was $1 and we only have a VHS player upstairs. And yes, the tracking is WAY off on the video. I just can't seem to find the remote to remedy this problem.
Warning #4: I am not a professional videographer. And 8 month-old children are notorious for wanting to grab things. Therefore, if you get motion sickness easily, don't watch this video. I was more focused on trying to get her to sing, trying not to sing too loudly myself, and keep her from grabbing the camera that the footage gets a little shaky at times. Again, I apologize.
I think that's it. If after all those warnings you still wish to watch, well, here's your cookie:
So, there you have the ovary crushing cuteness of the day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
oh super cute!! how old is she? you sing better than me!! haha!!
The next American Idol!
Jill - She's 8 months (eek!).
babalock - Too funny! She is already much better than many who try out for the show! LOL
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