Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Friday.

We had some rain this week and that makes us very happy :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Week.

Despite the heat we've managed to entertain ourselves with a little outside play, messy faces, swimming, and making banana ice cream.  We shall prevail!

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Hot.

There's not much to report around here to be honest.  It's been blazing hot for the past couple weeks so we haven't been up to much.  We do our outside stuff either way early in the morning or around 9pm or later.  It's crazy!  It's even too hot to go swimming, if you can imagine that.  Our grass is dried up and crunchy.  I have to go out every couple of hours and mist the chickens so they don't die of heat stroke.  On the bright side, my house has stayed super clean and the laundry has stayed caught up!  We've tried out a few new cooler-temp recipes, gotten ice cream more than I care to admit, and watched a lot of movies with the curtains drawn.  We've read a lot of books (the same ones over and over mind you), ate popsicles, and drank lots of tea.  I have to admit, though, that I'm glad it's the heat keeping us indoors and not a blizzard or something else equally cold (like the ice storm we had last year!)  Wade and I are trying to finish up our school work before we go on vacation for three weeks (get ready for us Vermont and California!)  So there hasn't been much picture taking (although I guess there should be since we haven't been doing much!) but you can enjoy this little collage I made with this new app I discovered call Pic Stitch.

That's Harper enjoying our first ever pomegranate and
a picture I took of her while we were napping. Love.