Today was not either of those kinds of days.
We started off our morning as usual: nursing in bed, talking and smiling while getting dressed, and swing time while I brush my teeth and whatnot. This is usually when Harper takes her morning nap (and Momma showers). She was all about the smiles and cooing instead. So I held onto her a little while longer and decided to go next door to my parent's house since my father was home. I figured she'd be tuckered out by then and sleep (cause I needed a shower!). So Grampie played with Harper while I got myself all good and cleaned. And just as I was finishing drying my hair I heard Harper pretty much screaming. My dad was trying his best to calm her, but nothing was working. This is not normal Harper behavior. So, Momma to the rescue! I tried nursing her, but she wanted nothing to do with that. I brought her back to our house where I laid down with her in our bed, nursed her twice (I knew she was hungry!), and then she wanted to talk and coo and play once again. Who am I not to oblige her in this, I ask? I tried her swing once more, but she was SO SMILEY I couldn't in good conscience keep her there. So I decided to do what any other Momma would do when her baby doesn't want to sleep:
Also, she didn't like the bunny ears. But what do I care, right? Cause she looks so goshdarn ADORABLE in them. She can pay me back when she's a teenager.
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