A thousand apologies to those who have been asking for an update.
So, since you're all just waiting on pins and needles for the all-important answer to "What have the Lockerby's been up to???," well wait no further!
We have:
1.) Gone to Rose-Hulman's Homecoming (which included a pep rally, fireworks, bonfire, and Harper's first ever 5K).
2.) Went to Harper's first dentist appointment (where she got a toothbrush with Sally from Cars on it and was so gooood for the hygienist)
4.) We've been trying to use up as many eggs as we can since we have a metric ton of them (obviously that's an exaggeration BUT we are getting 4 a day which is pretty rockin')
5.) Went to a wedding where we had a blast (excuse Wade. He couldn't be bothered to put his beer down for a family photo apparently)
6.) And just being the coolest kid you'll ever meet