Friday, October 26, 2012

OMG Yes, I'm Still Alive

I know.  I KNOW.  I am absolutely horrible at updating.  It's not that it's unimportant or that I'm so super busy either.  I have every good intention at least once a week of updating, but then I remember to change the washer.  Or run the vacuum.  Or organize the pantry.  Or play with my kid.  Or run some errands.  And what do you know?  A month has passed and still no update.

A thousand apologies to those who have been asking for an update.

So, since you're all just waiting on pins and needles for the all-important answer to "What have the Lockerby's been up to???," well wait no further!

We have:

1.) Gone to Rose-Hulman's Homecoming (which included a pep rally, fireworks, bonfire, and Harper's first ever 5K).

2.) Went to Harper's first dentist appointment (where she got a toothbrush with Sally from Cars on it and was so gooood for the hygienist)

3.) We are THISCLOSE to being completely potty trained (and while this is a cute picture, I have to say that I took it while she was on the potty at Kroger.  So sue me.  She looked adorbs and she's like the little girl from Monster's Inc.  You know, when Boo is waiting for her in the bathroom and she's being all cute and singing and taking FOR-EV-ER.  Yea, that's my kid.  So I get bored easily).
4.) We've been trying to use up as many eggs as we can since we have a metric ton of them (obviously that's an exaggeration BUT we are getting 4 a day which is pretty rockin')

5.) Went to a wedding where we had a blast (excuse Wade.  He couldn't be bothered to put his beer down for a family photo apparently)
6.) And just being the coolest kid you'll ever meet