Monday, April 30, 2012

My Girl.

Just starting off the week sharing some adorableness.  Hope you have a great week!

She wanted a big girl cup at Starbucks.

Reading with Daddy.  Be still my heart.

Showing off Daddy's glasses.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Harper's Chickens.

Harper is all about The Ladies.  She wakes us up in the morning begging us to see the chickens.  We can't go two hours without her pleading to "hold kickens," as she calls them.

 Last week we let them out in their tractor for the first time and Harper (like the chickens) was in heaven.  She sat in the tractor with them for a long time.  She fed them and petted them and let them run all run her.  It was free babysitting for me!  Ha!  But seriously, I got to do the dishes quickly and sweep the kitchen floor!  I'd forgotten that those are simple chores that can be completed in less than 10 minutes without a little helper.  Unfortunately, I did these chores instead of taking pictures of her in the tractor, but I'm sure that once the weather stays warm I'll snap some of her in there.

Everyone loves The Ladies.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Some Randomness.

After yesterday's serious tone, I thought today could be a calmer, happier post.  Completely random and with less words.  Enjoy your weekend.

Cuddling with Charlie the day we got her back.
Quality time with daddy.

Just too cute for words.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

On a serious note.

I have baby fever.  I've had it since Harper was about five months old.  And when you have baby fever it seems like EVERYONE is getting pregnant or has a baby.  Literally everyone.  And all those other people who don't have babies?  Well, they aren't as present on your radar.  Why our bodies and minds do this to us is beyond me.  It's frustrating and ridiculous and makes me spend endless hours looking at baby blogs and web sites.  Torture.

One of the moms in Harper's music class found out she was having a baby girl about two weeks ago.  This was great news to her because they have three boys.  Watching her pregnancy become more pronounced week after week hurt.  It's a ridiculously selfish thing, but I would be lying if I didn't admit it.  But she already has three kids!  I've only got one!  Isn't it my turn?  Silly, pathetic, and utterly unappreciative for what I have.  

At her ultrasound they found out not only that they were having a girl, but also that her placenta wasn't growing with the baby.  Three days later she gave birth to a stillborn daughter.

I felt like a complete and total ass.  How could I not just be happy and content with what I have?  Why be jealous of what someone else has?  Everyone has their own struggles, their own challenges to face.  I have a beautiful, happy, healthy, lovable little girl.  When/if we have another baby isn't something I can make happen when I want.  It's a difficult reality to face, but there's no way around it.  It's not going to make seeing pregnant women or newborns any easier, but I have to move past this jealousy.  I wouldn't trade my life or my family for anything.  My heart goes out to all who have loved and lost the way this family has.  There's nothing like having the greatest joy and the greatest sorrow happen to you in one fell swoop.  I just have to remember to take it one day at a time and be grateful for what's right in front of me.  You just never know what trials other people are going through and being jealous does no good.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Easter Sunday was a really lovely day.  The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, and Harper had a great time looking for (lots of) eggs.  I would have posted a video but I get distracted easily and forget to watch what I'm filming instead of watching Harper.  So the videos are bumpy and a bit nauseating.  But got all dressed up to take pictures, hunt eggs, and eat.  I hope your Easter was just a blissful.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Meet The Ladies.

It's been a dream of mine for about a year to raise chickens.  Crazy, right?  But most definitely true.  Until Wade and I find our dream farmhouse with a few acres, I've got to do what I can with what I have.  So about two weeks ago Wade decided to help make that dream come true.  He got really ambitious, bought 5 chicks, and materials to build The Ladies a chicken tractor.

So, it is with pleasure that I introduce you all to The Ladies:

Meet Claudette.  She's a little feisty, but sweet.  When we first got them she would fall sleep in my hands.

This is Lucy, one of our two redheads (or Rhode Island Reds).

Here is Katherine, or Kate since it's easier for Harper to pronounce.

This is the diva, or Bette.  She was the first to learn how to "fly" out of their bed.

And finally Doris.  She's skittish and flighty, but she's pretty and has the coolest eyes out of all of them.
Obviously these are just going to be laying hens for us.  I'm definitely not a point in my life where I can slaughter animals for meat.  I'll stick to our local farm (Royer Farms for anyone local who is interested) for our meat.  And yes, I did name our chickens after old time movie actresses.  Very glamourous, no?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Her Birthday

Though this post is quite a bit belated (how does time fly by so quickly?), this is how we celebrated Harper's second birthday.
Learning how to do "two" with her fingers.

Eating a birthday treat - ice cream!

Unfortunately, momma had a doctor's appointment on her birthday, but she was still happy!

Opening her presents from Papa and Mimi.

Her birthday treat from Mimi.

The treat table at her birthday party (on Saturday the 31st).

Thanks to everyone who came to the party and made Harper's day that much more special!  Two weeks later and she's still talking about everything she did that day ("kids play in jumpy!" "play in sandbox with kids!" "eat pupcakes!").  I believe that two years-old is going to be a very enjoyable year indeed.