Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Monday

Have a lovely week and enjoy this randomness!
:: "Smile for the camera, Harp!" ::

:: Play time before bed time ::

::  We were actually watching The Empire Strikes Back here.  My kid rocks ::

:: "Momma, are you ready to see Micky Mouse?!"  Why, yes I am ::

:: Family dinner date night ::

:: Good morning ::

:: Story time with Mimi ::

:: My fav outfit from last week ::

::  This is how I found my little love when I came home from work one day PTFO ::

:: 2012 Christmas tree ::

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Washington, D.C.

So this post is belated, but better late than never, right?

Somehow I was able to take a (much needed) momma-only trip a few weeks ago.  I was lucky enough to visit my BFF of 25 years AND do a bunch of tourist-y things in D.C.

:: Bilbo Baggins restaurant, which happened to serve a delicious Bilbo Baggins beer ::

:: Since I always seem to pack inappropriate footwear when I travel, I had to buy some new shoes.  My new Toms ::

:: Hello, Mr. Lincoln ::

:: Absolutely DELICIOUS cupcakes.  However, when I opened up my $15 half dozen box that I was taking home, my cupcakes were wreaked.  See below ::

:: sad face ::

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our Week (or so) In Pictures

:: Thanksgiving ::
:: Hanging ornaments ::

:: Going to the Children's Museum ::

:: Digging for dinosaur bones - her favorite part because it's "just like George!"  Curious George, that is ::

:: Beauty rest ::

:: Modeling for Momma ::

:: Craftiness by Momma - turning an old sweater into a jumper ::

Thursday, November 8, 2012


being sick has advantages of mismatch jammies and eating only the marshmallows from cereal (once again)

Harper and I are sick with the nasty flu.  It's painful and draining.  I am doing what I can to feel better before I leave for DC tomorrow(!!).  I need us both better by then!  I had to take a sick day yesterday and we literally stayed in bed all day.  I watched half of the first season of The Good Wife(!) while Harper watched Curious George.  We did quite a bit of sleeping and ingesting of medicine (which I hate more than anything.  Ask Wade.  It takes a lot for me to take medicine when I'm sick unless I absolutely need it).  I made it to work today so that is promising.  My brain is still a bit foggy so nothing clever for this post, I'm sorry to disappoint.  But I will leave you with this little gem:
ugly socks, ugly pants, ugly mismatched sheets (i suck at laundry).  but they are all ridiculously comfy. BTW that's Arthur playing on the outdated TV that I lost the remote to and can't turn off the closed-captioning

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Harper has such a way with words lately.  (And mixing up words).  I seriously treat her like a little adult most of the time.  I talk to her like she seriously understands more than her short 2 years on earth allows her.  She usually just response with whatever is on her mind at the time, but whatevs.  We have good conversations anyway.  I have had people tell me that she speaks really well for her age and that she articulates well.  Of course she does.  She is my kid.

she LOVED being a ballerina for Halloween

However, there are some things she says that warrant being recorded for posterity.  (I know I've done a post like this one before, but deal with it).


1.) "He/She/It's driving my nuts!"  She confuses words at times, just mimicking what someone has said.  Like when I ask her something like, "Are you having fun?"  she responds with "I are!"  To which I sometimes say "Am you having fun?"  just so she'll say "I am!"  Damn OCD-grammar-nazi-mom.

2.) Sometimes she mispronounces words or her little voice makes words sound different.  Most notably, we were at the mall with Mimi and Papa checking out when she turned to me and said, "Stop it, knocker!"  Only it came out sounding like the N-word.  No joke.  We all, including the sales lady, stopped in our tracks.  I asked her what she called me and she said it again.  And again it sounded like the N-word.  I nervously said aloud, "I think she's calling me a knocker hahahahah" just to diffuse the tension.  But the sales lady took the cake when she said, "Well it sounded like she said n****r!"  OMFG seriously lady???  So I didn't feel like the world's most embarrassed mother.  Some people just really don't think before they speak. Aye yi yi.

drinkin' choc milk with a spunky attitude

3.) She calls Christmas trees Christmas "treats."  Not sure why she does, but I love it.  

4.)  She calls her tooth brush a "brush teeth."

5.) She says, "Sure, no problem!"  about anything.  "Do you want some food?"  "Did you have fun?"

It's funny because you can always tell that her little brain is just absorbing and learning all.the.time.  It's so ridiculously cute when she's searching for just the right word but can't remember it.  And I feel awe-struck sometimes by what she does remember.  Of course, my brain is fried at the moment so I can't give a precise example.  Just trust me. My kid is amazing and brilliant and the cutest you'll ever meet.  

And that's the truth.

bedtime smiles

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Not a Fashion Blog.

grr for blurry pics! that's what i get for dropping my phone and hahahaha I made my mom take this pic in her office

Would any of you stop reading this if I started posting pictures of myself in my work clothes?  I swear it won't turn into a fashion blog bc, well, let's be honest here, folks.  I am not particularly fashion-savvy.  This is just a way for me to see what works and what doesn't, maybe get a little feedback (hint hint).  Let's not be too too critical, shall we?  Although, I'm putting it out there for all to see so maybe I should shut up.  DON'T WORRY.  There will still be PLENTY o'Harper on here.  TRUST ME.  Because we all know she is infinitely better looking than I am.  True story.

Now . . . GO VOTE!  I already did. 

shut up, C.  nerd.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Bliss.

This was one of those laid-back weekends that you never want to end.  le sigh.

So, what did we do?

Grocery shopping (always exciting).  Ate at Q'doba for the first time (delicious!). Dinner and a movie with friends (watch Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer for the third time).  Woke up at 7:54am on Sunday due to the damn time change, but subsequently got the entire house cleaned by 12:40pm.  Nice.  Family dinner followed by Dexter and The Walking Dead (OMG OMG anyone else watch this????  I was in near tears for the last 10 minutes!!!)

Our weekend in pictures:
Harper ate all the marshmallows. Def my kid.
Got nostalgic about my wedding dress. I could wear it everyday, seriously.
Pic is dark bc she wouldn't leave the curtains alone, but she wanted  to wear my wedding heels.  Look at the butt cheek!
ARG dark pictures.  Sleepy eyes
Just being all beautiful.  No big deal.
Firefighter with a dirty face.
Seriously terrible quality but super sweet <3 br="br">
I swear I lightened this pic.  But she has a hilar double chin, yet she looks good.  Not fair.

Friday, October 26, 2012

OMG Yes, I'm Still Alive

I know.  I KNOW.  I am absolutely horrible at updating.  It's not that it's unimportant or that I'm so super busy either.  I have every good intention at least once a week of updating, but then I remember to change the washer.  Or run the vacuum.  Or organize the pantry.  Or play with my kid.  Or run some errands.  And what do you know?  A month has passed and still no update.

A thousand apologies to those who have been asking for an update.

So, since you're all just waiting on pins and needles for the all-important answer to "What have the Lockerby's been up to???," well wait no further!

We have:

1.) Gone to Rose-Hulman's Homecoming (which included a pep rally, fireworks, bonfire, and Harper's first ever 5K).

2.) Went to Harper's first dentist appointment (where she got a toothbrush with Sally from Cars on it and was so gooood for the hygienist)

3.) We are THISCLOSE to being completely potty trained (and while this is a cute picture, I have to say that I took it while she was on the potty at Kroger.  So sue me.  She looked adorbs and she's like the little girl from Monster's Inc.  You know, when Boo is waiting for her in the bathroom and she's being all cute and singing and taking FOR-EV-ER.  Yea, that's my kid.  So I get bored easily).
4.) We've been trying to use up as many eggs as we can since we have a metric ton of them (obviously that's an exaggeration BUT we are getting 4 a day which is pretty rockin')

5.) Went to a wedding where we had a blast (excuse Wade.  He couldn't be bothered to put his beer down for a family photo apparently)
6.) And just being the coolest kid you'll ever meet